Clarity a must have tool for success !

Swadesh Saxena
2 min readJan 16, 2021
Clarity:tool for success

Bring more clarity in your life will make you more effective and successful.

What is clarity?

Clarity means clearness. Level of clearness is level of clarity. If I am clear about my priorities, it means I know the priorities.

Ask three basic questions to get clarity?

Are you happy? What brings you joy? What do you want to do?

If you’ve ever felt lost or directionless in life, you probably know how hard it can be to make progress on anything. When you have clarity around your goals and priorities, it’s easier to move towards what you want out of life.

I have experienced important benefits of clarity in life are following

1.Clarity helps to develop clear vision

2.Clarity helps to create SMART goals

3.Clarity leads to forward direction

4.Clarity gives a focused plan

5.Clarity brings courage

6.Clarity empowers to make better decisions

7.Clarity helps for better execution

8.Clarity helps feel less overwhelmed and stressed

9.Clarity helps use resources

10.Clarity allows to set better boundaries

11.Clarity bring motivation

Question arises that how you can get clarity in life?

There is process to get clarity in life.

If you want to make better decisions, become more trusting, be healthier, and do more meaningful work, try these 10 strategies for absolute clarity.

  1. Create space for yourself
  2. Identify what matters most to you in life
  3. Do one thing at a time
  4. Eliminate distractions
  5. Eat healthy and well
  6. Be thoughtful in your actions
  7. Write to get clear
  8. Experiment and learn
  9. Do meditation/yoga/exercise
  10. Prioritize your tasks

Below example will give the more insight about clarity

A person X is very clear about is life goals like study, business, relationships etc.

A person Y is very confuse about his studies, business, relationships etc.

It is very easy to predict out of both, that know who will be more happy and successful.

Definitely A will be the winner.

Now try to follow above mention 10 steps to develop clarity in your thoughts and action, it will make your life happy and successful.

Stay healthy and stay productive to make world happy!!

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Swadesh Saxena

Startup enthusiast and technology loving professional,who believe in sharing and learning.